A Pride of Brothers: Rick by Peggy Jaeger, Romantic Suspense
Elite bodyguard and P.I. Rick Bannerman's job is to protect. He doesn't get emotional with his clients, but when a woman from his past is...

Always Book 1 by Lexxie Couper, Contemporary Romance
Life’s great — it’s the terminal degenerative disease that sucks. Maci is young, smart and about to embark on the adventure of a...

Memorial Day - Remembrance
Fifteen years ago, while serving as a Staff Sergeant in the Ohio Air National Guard, I volunteered to help with the assembly and...

Songs That Inspire Me
What can I say? I'm a child of the 70's and 80's. Does anyone notice a recurring theme? Darkness on The Edge of Town - The River - Time...

The Making of Lord Bachelor
If you’d asked me four years ago if I ever wanted to write a contemporary romance, I would have politely said, ‘never’. My first love is...

The Road from Writer to Author
Writing can be an obsession. There are times when you sit down and things start flowing like a busted water pipe (I’ll leave that for...

One Pace Forward, Four Paces Back
Last night, my family sat down to a game of Sorry. It seemed like my husband drew every crushing card, sending me back to Start before...